ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set("error_log", "./php-error.log");
writeToLog($_REQUEST, 'incoming'); //comment it when everything will be debugged
// This webhook should be called by Bitrix24 event '
// Go to Your portal \ Developer resources \ Other \ Outbound webhook
// or like it shown on the following screenshot: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/EmPS/BNuEV3s3p
//=== CONSTANTS zone
define("UFRAS", "UF_CRM_XXXXXXXXX"); // The system name of custome field
//Validates Webhook params and fill variables by Webhook params
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use \App\Bitrix24\Bitrix24API; // The library https://github.com/andrey-tech/bitrix24-api-php
$webhookURL = 'https://[yourURLfromBitrix24]/';
$bx24 = new Bitrix24API($webhookURL);
$InvoiceID = $_REQUEST['data']['FIELDS']['ID'];
//=== WORKING zone
$InvoiceFields = $bx24->getInvoice($InvoiceID); //Get Invoice fields.
//If the Invoicee not just paid, then exit from the Webhook
if ($InvoiceFields['PAYED'] != 'Y') {
file_put_contents(getcwd() . '/hook.log', "\nInvvoice " . $InvoiceFields['ID'] . " is not paid \n", FILE_APPEND);
if (!$Company) exit; //If no Company in Invoicee, exit.
$Company = $InvoiceFields['UF_COMPANY_ID'];
if (!$Company) exit; //If no Contact in Invoicee, exit.
$CompanyFields = $bx24->getCompany($Company);
//Which year is today?
$CurrentYear = date("Y");
$HappyThisYearString = $CurrentYear . '-01-01';
$HappyThisYearTime = strtotime($HappyThisYearString);
//Summarize only this company's Invoice Amounts
//First, let's get filtered invoices into an array
$getInvoiceListGeneratorObject = $bx24->getInvoiceList(['ID' => 'ASC'],
['UF_COMPANY_ID' => $Company, 'PAYED' => 'Y'],
//Invoice amounts into Array
$InvoiceArray = array();
foreach ($getInvoiceListGeneratorObject as $value) {
$InvoiceArray = array_merge($InvoiceArray, $value);
//Summarize Invoice Amounts
$m = count($InvoiceArray);
if ($m == 0) {
file_put_contents(getcwd() . '/hook.log', "\$no payments from this customer at all\n", FILE_APPEND);
exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'no payments from this customer at all' )));
$RevenueCurrentYear = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) {
$t = strtotime($InvoiceArray[$i]['DATE_PAYED']);
// file_put_contents(getcwd() . '/hook.log', "\n\$t = " . $t, FILE_APPEND);
if ($t >= $HappyThisYearTime) {
$RevenueCurrentYear += $InvoiceArray[$i]['PRICE'];
if ($RevenueCurrentYear == 0) {
file_put_contents(getcwd() . '/hook.log', "\n\$no payments from this customer this year\n", FILE_APPEND);
exit(json_encode(array('error' => 'no payments from this customer this year' )));
$CompanyFields = $bx24->getCompany($Company);
$bx24->updateCompany($Company, [UFRAS => $RevenueCurrentYear], ["REGISTER_SONET_EVENT" => "Y"]);
//=== FUNCTIONS zone
function writeToLog($data, $title = '') {
$log = "\n------ max2SumInvoices.php ------------------\n";
$log .= date("Y.m.d G:i:s") . "\n";
// $log .= (strlen($title) > 0 ? $title : 'DEBUG') . "\n";
// $log .= print_r($data, 1);
file_put_contents(getcwd() . '/hook.log', $log, FILE_APPEND);
return true;